Our summer isn't complete without participating in the library's summer reading program. The kids sign up to read books over the summer. It's a contest. The person who reads the most books in their age group gets a medal or trophy and everyone who participates gets a little goody bag just for reading over the summer.
Of course, the library makes reading super fun, so they invite different local businesses to visit the library, reading to the children and teaching them about their profession.
1. Zoomobile and OrganWise
The summer reading program this year began with a visit from the Zoomobile.
We also learned about our organs and how to take care of them from the OrganWise Guy puppet and a coordinating story.
2. Children's Museum
Children's Museum came and taught us a few fun games to play. That was a blast!

I took more video than pictures so we could play the games at home. I didn't get a very good pic of Jonathan either, but he did very well playing the games.
3. Fruit Sushi
We had a day of learning about eating healthy and how to make fruit sushi.

4. Natchez Trace Parkway Rangers
Trying to take pictures with my cheap cell phone is not easy, especially when people are moving, so I didn't get very many good pics and certainly not any from the day the Natchez Trace Parkway Rangers came to give us a little bit of history.
This presentation was pretty interesting, but it was geared more towards the older children, but they did bring artifacts and modern gear to show us, so that helped to keep the children's attention.We're going to have to do a unit study on the Natchez Trace or something b/c it's just packed with history, stories and adventure.
5. Celebrate Reading!
Of course, the end of the reading program went out with a bang, complete with prizes, food and treats. I am sad to report I could not salvage any pictures from this event.
Adelle did get first place for reading the most books in her age group, for which she received a medal. Jonathan got 2nd place in his age group, but he didn't get any special gift for it.
We have fun and learn lots of things from the library's summer reading program.
We love our librarians too!
Well done Adelle and Jonathan for reading all those books. kr