Wednesday, September 23, 2015

DIY Moon Sand, err, Cloud Dough

Moon sand, or Cloud Dough, is easy to make and a fun sensory play experience. It's almost like wet sand, but not gritty.  It's pretty soft, pliable and a little messy. 

So much fun! 

I actually heard of this about 4 years ago under the name "Cloud Dough" and made up a batch. I store it in an airtight plastic container and it has kept for all this time. When we got it out a couple of weeks ago, I had to add a little more oil to it, otherwise, it was still good! That is just amazing. 

Even though I already had some on hand, I wanted the kids to experience making the concoction themselves. The list of ingredients is quite extensive..... NOT!  

Just flour and oil! The first time we made it, we used baby oil. This time we used vegetable oil, making it edible should the Little Tot wanted to taste it. 

The original batch used 4 cups oil and 3/4 cups baby oil. I wanted the kids to make just enough for themselves so they could take it home with them. So we measured 1 c. flour. To figure how much oil to use, we began with 1 Tbs and adding slowly by the tablespoons until we got the right texture.  

The "right" texture is when it starts to stick together, but not wet. 

After we got it all measured and mixed, I think we ended up using 2 Tbs or maybe 3. I can't remember. I waited too long to blog about it. 


As you can see, the children had fun with this. 

Maybe a little TOO much fun!  

Don't see Adelle and Jonathan pictured? Yeah, that's because their unacceptable behavior that day resulted in being grounded to their rooms and missing out on this fun activity. 

NOTE: I came across a blog where a mom and her son made Cloud Dough and Moon Sand. I guess there is a difference in the textures. She used corn starch and flour together with water. 

We might have to try that recipe sometime. 

Linking up with Fellowship Fridays

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