Monday, July 22, 2013

Character Concepts

Thanks to my friend Jill, I discovered a very good an excellent Bible curriculum a few months ago.  It's called Character Concepts. This curriculum is a tool for parents to teach their children good character qualities such as obedience, patience, respectfulness, responsibility, kindness, etc.... Children learn each character quality with a simple definition (that is easy to understand and remember), a corresponding scripture, an example of a real life story, a story of someone in history, and an example out of the Bible. It also comes with academic activities, but I've already gotten other plans. Anyway. We haven't started our new school year yet, but we have begun these lessons. 

This curriculum is written by Rick & Marilyn Boyer, who home schooled their many children. They  just basically wrote down how they taught their own children. I don't know about anyone else's children, but mine needed some character training a long time ago and I just didn't know how to do it. This curriculum comes with a Mom's Guide book that gives me lots of different ideas of how to teach these character qualities on a practical level. There is also a book called Leading Little Ones to God, which the curriculum strongly suggests, to teach Bible doctrine. It is so good fantastic! One lesson out of that book explains God on a child's level (without watering anything down), a suggested passage out of the Bible to read, a hymn to sing and an example prayer to pray with the children. I am loving it! I am also encouraged and enjoy reading the Boyer's blog. It's so good. (Can you tell I am just thrilled about this new find?!? LOL)

I really want to get Uncle Rick's Audio collection, but that's going to have to wait for now. 

Did I mention that this goes all the way through high school level? That excites me!

I know my children need this training pretty badly, but I am needing it just as much as them!

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