Monday, February 24, 2014

A Snow Treat: Snow Cream!

We got a little bit of snow here in the deep south several weeks ago. It doesn't happen very often so we get a little excited around here when it does. 

The beautiful white fluff came a few days after we studied measurement in math. So we grabbed the ruler and measure how much snow we ended up with. 
This picture isn't clear, but it did measure at one inch. 

Then I remembered something called snow cream. I've never heard of this before. You'd think living in the north where we get more snow that I would have. Nonetheless, I remembered people posting about this treat in times past when we were lucky enough to get snow here. 

Google has become a very good friend to me. :-)  I googled the recipe and found a simple one on

You need
1 C. of half and half or milk
(we used milk)

1/2 tsp. vanilla extract

1/3 to 1/2 C. granulated sugar, adjust to your taste

Mix all those up in a large bowl until the sugar is dissolved. It took a few minutes. 

Stir in 4 to 6 Cups freshly fallen snow, 1 cup at a time....

....until the ice cream magically forms! 
You know, when it reaches ice cream consistency. 

You can freeze it for a few minutes before serving. 


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