Disclaimer: Photography is not my thing, though I do try. Nonetheless, I apologize in advance for fuzzy pictures. :-D
1. Science with friends!

I guess I haven't mentioned on here that we started to learn science and conduct experiments with a few of our friends on Fridays. In these pics, we were learning about fizz from our Science in the Kitchen book. We were already having fun with science, but learning with friends makes it so much more exciting!
2. Wreaths

I'm a little crazy about wreaths. Can you tell? Here are my latest homemade wreaths. The one on the left is made from paper ribbon. Do you remember that stuff? It's paper that was crinkled and rolled up and you have to unfold/unwind it in order to use it. Talk about an object lesson for patience. I don't know how it was so popular back in the day; it was so frustrating!
The wreath on the right is just pretty fabric wrapped around a foam wreath form twice and those are crochet flowers made from yarn.

What does one do when they need a gift bag, but they don't have one for the right occasion nor the correct size nor the money (or time) to go buy one? You make your own, of course!
I save all the gift bags we receive from birthdays and other special days. But I didn't have a non-specific bag and I needed one pretty quick. So I just took a regular brown lunch sack (that I already had), measured and glued scrapbook paper to it, added a label and little ribbon bow and viola! We have a gift bag.
It is extremely rare for my brain to think outside of the box, so you can imagine how shocked and happy I was when I came up with this idea All. By. Myself! LOL
4. Cinnamon on Your Hair?
I was looking at my hair a few weeks ago and I just thought "BLAH". With no money to purchase a box (or 2) of color from the store, I searched the net for ways one can lighten hair naturally. There are many ways to do that. I found one way quite interesting and had me very curious. I discovered that cinnamon has bleaching qualities. Why, I never knew that! So I tried the most simple recipe: I took a cup of conditioner and mixed in enough cinnamon to make a paste; Saturated my hair, put a plastic bag over it (in place of a shower cap) and let it sit overnight.
Above is the before and after pictures. Of course, it's not going to be a drastic change, but that's not what I was going for anyway. :-)
Then I tried another method to go a little bit lighter. This was a conditioner/pure honey/cinnamon mixture. Again, I left it on overnight with my hair wrapped in a plastic bag. :-)
And here is my hair after that treatment. I can see another slight difference again, but I think my hair was a little too wet when I applied this mixture. So, I'm going to wait a few more weeks before I try once more.
5. Yearbook Pics
This is the first year we've submitted pictures to the homeschool group yearbook. They ask for a nature background as to have a somewhat uniform look in the book since there isn't a "picture day" like in public school. I got a peek at last year's book. It was very nice. I might have to get one this time.
Whew! That was kind of long! Life is pretty random!
As always I enjoyed your blog. Hair looks pretty and children are so cute. kr