Friday, August 28, 2015

I Need a Break Already?!?

We just finished our 4th week of school. As you know, I am schooling my own 2 littles with an additional 2 littles and I am co-leading our homeschool support group this year. By the end of today, I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed.

I know that there are other women out there with so much more on their plates than me. There are other families with more than 2 and 4 children. I know that balancing all these responsibilities can be done. I just don't know how they do it!

I'm not sure if I'm just wired differently or if I'm just plum lazy. Either way, I don't have the capacity at this point to be able to balance all this all the time and not get overloaded. I just can't.

There is a solution!

I have come across something called Sabbath Schooling. It is a schedule where you school for 6 weeks, then take the 7th week off.

School 6 weeks.

Rest 1 week.


You can read more detailed posts on Sabbath Schooling on other blogs here, here and here

I have looked at this before, but never really needed to apply it until now. After taking a look at the calendar, we will school for 2 more weeks, then take one week off. During that time we can get other things done that have kinda been pushed to the back burner, such as: finishing making some file folder games and other homemade learning games: going through Jonathan's closet - again, reorganizing the school shelf, etc....  With a 35 Week school year, we can still be done by the end of May, unless life happens and we have to extend the lessons a little. 

Yes, this will save my sanity & the children's little spirits and keep everyone from burn out.

Linking up with Fellowship Fridays

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